Terms and conditions for boat hire with a driver


Access on board will be opened
15 min. earlier!
Arrive early at the Old Harbour Yacht Harbour (at the moment the tramway is under construction and traffic is disrupted, so come 30 min early!).) Address Quay 6, Harbour Market building, we will be waiting for you on bridge 4!

Conch shoes and the sea don’t go together (they’re fine for taking pictures, but make sure you’re comfortable). Ships like shoes with light-coloured soles and slip-resistant footwear, and it’s always cooler at sea than on land. Dress for the weather, rather warmer. 

The captain’s word on board is like the law, because we are responsible for your safety!

You can take food and drinks on board or order them, see the Kai Café website for more details. Red beverages and meals are not the ships’ favourites, so we’d appreciate it if you respect the custom and keep order. 

NB! If you eat on board, a cleaning fee of 20€ will be added to the price of the charter, unless you are prepared to spend another 15-30 minutes cleaning the boat after the trip.

Our vessels are equipped with  life-saving equipment and have passed the required Maritime Administration survey, and our captains hold a recreational boat skipper’s certificate.

If you are sailing with children, please let us know the number of children in advance so that we can ensure lifejackets are available. Children must wear lifejackets on merelaine.ee ships!

In the event of a storm (winds above 15 m/s) we will refund 100% of the service fee.

If it’s raining and you don’t want to come to the sea, we’ll find another time together.